Sunday, January 23, 2005

What kind of text are you?

I think that some people have been a tad disrespectful about my 'text in the city' posting. (Scroll down to comment by CityB.)
Frankly, I think references to intertextual sex are a wee bit cynical.

Regardless, I want to talk about self as text.

I am NOT talking about this sort of thing either. Or this.
And definitely not this.

I am partly talking about shopping.

I got this pic here.

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours looking for just the right outfit to wear to a conference... bit shallow I know but .... well, you know. ( I know my confidence should derive from what I say but hey ...) And Anya alerted me to this quiz some time back, so I know peeps in my area of the blogosphere TOTALLY undertand.

I wore my red suede boots (gorgeous) on this shopping extravaganza to get stuff to match. Managed to find totally funky garb, in greys and black, assymmetric cut on everything. God, I would look perfect: understated colours with dramatic red jewellery and my bright red boots.

I was looking for this kind of look I guess.


(I am aware I am not black, but that's not my fault. I am talking about funkiness here, not ethnicity. Try to keep up please. )

Went to the supermarket next.
Dropped this bottle of detergent on red suede boots.


Boots Ruined.

What a disaster, and then this ....
The till operator decided I was dimwitted.
For some reason she decided I was deranged when I flustered about my ruined boots. Spoke to me as if I nedeed care in the community...

"It's all right love, we'll get someone to get you a new bottle of Dreft. Now, just take it steady and do your packing. It's OK I won't rush you.'

Then later,
'Do you know your card number love? Just type it in there for me then pet.'
Then we had,

' Have you got a loyalty card?'
I explained I had not read my application form given me last time.

'Oh, OK my love, "I'll explain ...'

She thought I could not read. Told me to take the form to the Helpdesk.

I let her talk my dimwittedness into place.
It was very strange how I could not assert myself at all over her misplaced kindness.

This HAS all got a point. This sort of thing is very rare. People are usually excellent at reading others and responding in the right frame.
How do we learn this?

I try to influence the way people read me - in the way I appear to people in meat space materially, physically. I have no idea whether they read what I want them to most of the time. But is is rare it goes totally wrong.

(My attitude reflects a societal preoccupation with image and self presentation of course and some would have it that this is shallow. I think such presentation of self behaviour, and the body for display, is is a primal preoccupation - but I won't harp on any further here ...)
You can read for yourself here what Goffman's take on self presentation is. A lot of useful stuff hre for someone who might write about blogging.

On a lighter note ... go to this site and choose which one you would like to be.
I am off out now to get new boots.


Gareth said...

Enough of this stuff about choosing which clothes, in this certificated age how do you know you are competent to decide what size to buy. Try this for size

Joolz said...

You should all know the boots are fixed after a spell in the washing machine !!!
Sorry to have worried you all so much.

Joolz said...

Normal service to be resumed.

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Sheffield, South Yorks, United Kingdom
I am an academic interested in New Literacies, Digital Lifestyles, Informal Online Learning.