I must not copy other bloggers blogs.
I must not copy other bloggers blogs.
I must not copy other bloggers blogs.
I must not copy other bloggers blogs.
I recommend you look about on here especially the comments on the Copy Cat post. I think it has some interesting things to think about vis a vis copywrite etc.
Today a very nice person from here asked me my web address. (yeah, I went back.)
But I don't know it (duh!) so said to look 'Dr Joolz' up on Google.
When I checked at home that it would work, Google also took me here and here
And I thought it was so COOL to be talked about on a German blog.
Es ist wunderbar denke ich.
So, scouting about on this blog, I found ... (and oh the synchronicity/coincidence) it has a site which reflects how very cool Jesus is.
And just a reminder of how sporty and cool Jesus is:

(But oops-a-daisy, I am not sure that this kind of proximity is OK in UK schools. I may have to check this and get back to you. We tend to try and keep a teensie bt further apart in sports coaching, but maybe I am being a little over prudent.)
You must not worry, the German site is not rude. Those are just very large Wurst and there is nothing to be frightened of.
The Germans use long words too.
Yes. I can imagine.
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