Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Thousand words

Well, a very long time ago (October) I did a post about Burquas.


This picture offers a new take on garments that 'cover with pride'; there is the adornment of ink on the woman's finger, that somehow looks more decorative than political; the tear in the eye reflects sensitivity and sufferance but there is also the steely tenacity. The one revealed eye looks directly to shot; it is a beautiful eye and it is returning the photographer's gaze. The eye seems to reciprocate the scrutiny of the camera, or at least seems to show involvement, interactivity. I like this pucture a lot but unfortunately, my computer crashed after I found it and so am unable to acknowledge the blog from whence it came. (Please tell me if you find it and I can put in a link.)

Unfortunately some of the links on my original burqa post are now dead, especially the sound track of the burqa blues song. In trying to find it again somewhere else, I have come across this debate in an alternative online Muslim journal.

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Sheffield, South Yorks, United Kingdom
I am an academic interested in New Literacies, Digital Lifestyles, Informal Online Learning.