to take a shot of this. Apparently a soldier from the USA is taken hostage and fearing for his life ... until, according to Channel 4 news, a USA toy manufacturer realised this photo is a hoax - simply a shot of an action figure it produces.
Apparently this is a world that worships false heroes.
Well it all seems so unreal .. . so often our heroes turn out not to be quite the men we thought they were .. such as Times Men of the Year .. see this blog report.
At least Robert has not let us down today, remaining true to himself, through and through.
Well, this is Dr Joolz reporting and just trying to be true ... but you still have one more day to wait for je ne sais pourquoi...
Why worry about Robert Kilroy Fartypants, when kittens are being made into sushi?
Why worry about Robert Killroy Fartypants when kittens are being made into sushi?
I, for one am v interested in pink toast. And this is not the first time I have noticed trois tetes getting a bit repetitive. see here.
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