Wednesday, July 13, 2005

OK so

you need to get over here and see a 'Many Lemons' production. Thanks to Anonymous leaving the address on my post yesterday.
This was the film which Mimi(yes we can call her this) aka Mizuko Ito showed us at UKLA conference. It is young people working 'beneath the gaze of adults' as she put it so eloquently.(Although not so 'beneath the gaze' as the Narutrx film did get two awards - one from the prestigious Boing Boing).

I recommend you also check out the Ninja spoof while you are over that part of the web, I actually like this one more. It has a related
'fan site' with loads of bits for you to fall over laughing at.

So thanks anon, I did Enjoy and hope everyone else will too.

PS I think I know who Anon is.

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