I hope so, they cost a flaming fortune!!
Glass beads
"All the way from Brazil'"said the VERY charming boy in the shop!!
I am an academic interested in New Literacies, Digital Lifestyles, Informal Online Learning.
It were grand.
"Keep it Glocal!"
You tell me.
In the Big Mother House.
I got presents. Yay!!!
You know like you're all made up of ions? Well any way you are. You are made up
of positive and negative ions and these are like pluses and minuses. Well the
pluses and minuses are suposed to be all sorted out and not muddled up. You have like pluses down one side, and minuses down t'other. But if
you are stressed, or ill, or depressed, the pluses and minuses get right, like
messed up. Well by having Aqua detox, they go back in order again and that's how
it works; it gets rid of the toxins then. But this takes several
treatments to work properly. We recommend five.'
The wonder of Science
'what constitutes literacy has become colonised... by teaching 'blocks' and
'Literacy with currency and durability. Literacy that is legal tender in a range
of sites.'
Goodness me.
Exciting, scintillating, stimulating, silly , fashionable, superficial, deep and meaningful.
It was.
I know!!
Let's do a quiz.
Quite frankly he was the most multimodal of all.
this motley crew
'children’s digital cultures, specifically examining the role of play and creativity in learning with new media technologies'
AKA Mizuko Ito.
Young people as fluent natives of the digital world
emergent practices in their culture
below the radar of the adult gaze.
A kick ass first day thanks to Vic.