Tuesday, November 22, 2005

My Hero

Today I went to Lancaster Literacy Research Centre where I was very lucky to have been invited, but also lucky to have met a heroic woman on the train. Despite the hurdles thrown in my way never to get to Lancaster - a broken down train on the line; two late trains; trains on the wrong platform ... more than four hours travelling a journey that should have taken much less (blah bah blah . ..insert woeful travellers' tales of your choice here ...)

I will post about the LRC tomorrow, as I have lots to think about from there, but in the meantime want to say that I would never have got there without my minder and guide :


She told me all about the young people she works with and amazingly got the idea that she could suggest to them that they take photos for the Hoody Moral Panic group on Flickr (they are rightly aghast at the moral panic!) and also thinks that at least one of them would fancy doing a blog.
We exchanged e mails so maybe she will let me know how things go on...

But basically this woman is a hero and you're lucky if you know her.

But just before I go, check out these images from the Lancaster Literacy site - some of them are a real hoot.
Oh yes and also look at Anita Wilson's photo here. (Scroll down.)

C U soon kiddoes.


Rob Burton said...
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Kate said...

I love meeting people on trains.
I once randomly met an artist on a train and we had a wonderful time.
You never know what is going to happen next Dr Joolz.
Just like your blog...

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Sheffield, South Yorks, United Kingdom
I am an academic interested in New Literacies, Digital Lifestyles, Informal Online Learning.