Thursday, August 11, 2005


I did mention this exhibition before but could not find the website with it. It is here.


It is in German which is a bit of a pain if you did French or Spanish or Latin at school. Luckily I did German - albeit that I have forgotten most of it.

Aaaaanyway this exhibtion had some v good bits ... the building was made to appear like a halfpipe - i.e. the floors were like a skateboarding arena - so that was very hip.

There were some bits of the exhibition that I did not like - such as where digitised images showed young people with NIKE swooshes branded on their faces.The implication of course, was that young people are the non thinking fodder of the multinatinals.

I have more respect for young people than that - on the whole. Just cos kids buy this stuff does not mean that they CANNOT think and cannot appropriate goods in a range of ways....

The bit I really liked was where loads of young women and girls were filmed in their bedrooms talking about the object that meant the most to them in their lves and why. It was a great piece of work, showing the girls in situ, amongst a whole range of stuff in their rooms. It showed how ecclectic the girls' tastes are and how they embed iconic objects (etc.) in their lives in lots of ways. They talked about mobile phones; soft toys; clothes they had made; objects they had been given by parents,grandparents or friends; they talked about books and photos. It was REALLY fascinating and a piece of research I would like to see written up - or replicated - by me!!

(It is written up in German though; but I guess if yu can read German you will have already spotted that on the site.)

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Sheffield, South Yorks, United Kingdom
I am an academic interested in New Literacies, Digital Lifestyles, Informal Online Learning.