Monday, July 25, 2005

Who dies in Harry Potter?

Found this video cited on Joi Ito's site, it is a video - called Potter Crash (man spoils harry potter ending - funny) - video.
I thought it was funny but am in a MEAN mood.
(Obviously you should only watach this if you want to know who gets killed by who without reading the book.)

I am name dropping - Joi Ito is Mimi's brother.
keep it in the family.


Anonymous said...

It is as Kate said really cool. I was listening to Front Row in the car tonight driving back to Lincoln and the presenter said that today ' a book is often just an interim stage on the way to a visual entertainment'. Has JKR killed off that character to avoid problems with later films? I seem to recall the actor has died.. or am I suggesting something which impugns her integrity as an author?!(Is that the right word?)

Joolz said...

But we don't actually know f the guy is telling the truth ... although kate HAS read it and not contradicted...
I didn't know the actor had died. What a blow for poor JKR.

I am a bit fed up of HP now, having read all the others, I cannot go on reading them forever more.

Joolz said...

OOh. Thanks for up to date info.
Have you read the new one?

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